Vanavond is alweer de laatste avond van Polderlicht! Kom kijken in het Oosterpark. Mijn werk is te vinden via de binnenplaats van het Tropenhotel. Rechts de wenteltrap opklimmen. Hier 4 foto's! Tonight is the last evening of Polderlicht! Come and see it in Oosterpark. My work is located at the Tropenhotel. Go to the courtyard and use the spiral staircase on the right. Here 4 pictures!
Welkom! Mijn werk is te vinden bij het Tropenhotel. Omhoog bij de wenteltrap op de binnenplaats.
For English please scroll down AQUABIT , Peter Vink 2017 Fotos: Ludger Paffrath Liebe Freunde und Kunstliebhaber! Mit dem Blick zurück nach vorne schauen! Deshalb bauen wir die ortsspezifische Installation des niederländischen Künstlers Peter Vink noch einmal auf. Da die Installation ausschließlich für die Räume der Galerie konzipiert ist und, ja, es eine unglaublich schöne Erfahrung war - AQUABIT II wird erneut zwischen den Jahren aufleuchten! Die Ausstellung wurde mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Königreichs der Niederlande und Stichting Stokroos realisiert und die Lichtrahmen wurden bereits zu einem Publikumsmagnet während des Gallery Weekends 2017. Eröffnung mit Glühwein: Sonntag, 17. Dezember 2017, 18-21:30h. Peter Vink ist anwesend. Herzlich willkommen! Öffnungszeiten 17. Dezember 2017 - 10. Januar 2018: überraschend :) Wir danken an dieser Stelle für die erfolgreiche, inspirierende Zusammenarbeit mit vielen von Ihnen und für die wunderbaren Kunst-Erlebnisse in 2017! Wir freuen uns auf das neue Jahr, auf viele weitere gemeinsame Projekte und wünschen Ihnen frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Start in 2018! Vorschau 2018 SAVE THE DATE and stay tuned: Architecture+Art Weekend 2018 30. Juni + 1. Juli 2018 Bis bald, Irina Ilieva --------------------------- Architecture+Art AQUABIT II Unendlichkeit an der Grenze zwischen Architektur und Kunst Pressemitteilung AQUABIT I Peter Vink (NL), Installation Kuratiert von Irina Ilieva 17. Dezember 2017 - 10. Januar 2018 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ English Dear friends and art lovers! Between the years is the time to look back and forth! That's why we will re-open the site-specific installation by Dutch artist Peter Vink. As part of Gallery Weekend 2017, kindly supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Stichting Stokroos, the light frames exhibition was a real crowd puller. The installation is created exclusively for the gallery's rooms (and yes - it was an incredibly beautiful experience) – so we want that AQUABIT II will light up again! Opening with mulled wine: Sunday, 17 December 2017, 6 - 9:30pm Peter Vink will attend the opening. Welcome! Opening hours December 17, 2017 - January 10, 2018: surprising :) We would like to say thank you for the successful, inspiring collaboration with many of you and for the wonderful art experiences in 2017! We look forward to the New Year, to many more joint projects and wish you a merry Christmas and a good start in 2018! Preview 2018 SAVE THE DATE and stay tuned: Architecture + Art Weekend 2018 June 30 + July 1, 2018 Welcome to join us! Irina Ilieva --------------------------- Architecture+Art AQUABIT II Infinity on the border between Architecture and Art Press release AQUABIT I Peter Vink (NL), Installation Curated by Irina Ilieva 17. December 2017 - 10. January 2018 |
photos made by Janus Van Den Eijnden
In december doe ik mee aan drie tentoonstellingen. Mijn werk is te zien op:
1) Amsterdam Light Festival - Land expositie, vanaf 14 december t/m 7 januari
2) Parklicht - Amsterdam Oosterpark, van 28 december t/m 30 december
3) Aquabit Gallery Berlijn, van 17 december t/m 10 januari
Je bent van harte welkom! Hieronder meer informatie over de verschillende exposities.
In December I participate in three exhibitions. My work can be seen at:
1) Amsterdam Light Festival - Land exhibition, from 14 December till 7 January
2) Park light - Amsterdam Oosterpark, from 28 December till 30 December
3) Aquabit Gallery Berlin, from 17 December till 10 January
You are most welcome! Below you will find more information about the different exhibitions.
land expositie - amsterdam light festival
Na vijf edities in de Plantagebuurt vindt de land expositie van Amsterdam Light Festival dit jaar voor het eerst plaats op Marineterrein Amsterdam, op loopafstand van Centraal Station. Mijn kunstwerk is te zien bij de hoofdingang aan de Kattenburgerstraat 5, voor meer informatie volg deze link.
Van 14 december 2017 tot en met 7 januari 2018 wordt het Marineterrein verlicht door verschillende kunstwerken. De expositie is gratis toegankelijk en de lichtobjecten zijn dagelijks van 17:00 tot 22:00 uur verlicht (alleen op Oudejaarsavond tot 20:00 uur).
land exhibition - amsterdam light festival
After five editions of the ‘Illuminade’, Amsterdam Light Festival has decided to do things a little differently this year. For the first time, the land exposition will take place at the Marineterrein Amsterdam, a new location within walking distance from Amsterdam Central Station. My work is located at the main entrance at the Kattenburgerstraat 5.
From 14 December until 7 January, the Marine terrein will be illuminated by various light art installations. The land exposition is freely accessible from 17:00 o’clock until 22:00 o’clock. (On New Year’s Eve, the Marineterrein will close its doors at 20:00 o’clock.) For more information about the festival follow this link.
Donderdag 28, vrijdag 29 en zaterdag 30 december van 17.00 tot 22.00 uur | Oosterpark, Amsterdam-Oost | Gratis toegang | Gratis plattegronden ter plekke verkrijgbaar
Met: Children of the Light | Daphne Glasmacher | Gosse de Kort | Matthijs Munnik & Joris Strijbos | André Pielage | Mike Rijnierse & Jan Trützschler von Falkenstein | Femke Schaap | MMC Schobbe | Elly Sloep | Berndnaut Smilde | Marloes van Son | Su Tomesen | Peter Vink | Corné Vissenberg
Parklicht is een lichtkunsttentoonstelling met grotere en kleinere installaties, objecten en projecties, verspreid over de onlangs gerenoveerde noordelijke helft van het Oosterpark. De vijftien lichtkunstwerken staan opgesteld in perkjes, langs paden, in het water, in en op gebouwen. Het betreft in alle gevallen eigenzinnige, non-figuratieve kunstwerken die zijn gebaseerd op het gebruik van wit licht en/of blacklight.
Meer info:
Thursday 28, Friday 29 and Saturday 30 December from 5 pm to 10 pm | Oosterpark, Amsterdam East | Free access | Free maps available on the spot.
With: Children of the Light | Daphne Glasmacher | Gosse de Kort | Matthijs Munnik & Joris Strijbos André Pielage | Mike Rijnierse & Jan Trützschler von Falkenstein | Femke Schaap | MMC Schobbe | Elly Sloep Berndnaut Smilde | Marloes van Son | Su Tomesen | Peter Vink | Corné Vissenberg
Parklicht is a light art exhibition with larger and smaller installations, objects and projections, spread over the recently renovated northern half of the Oosterpark. The fifteen light artworks are arranged along paths, in the water, in and on buildings. In all cases it concerns non-figurative works of art that are based on the use of white light and or blacklight.
More info:
Aquabit II
Aquabit Gallery Berlin, from 17 December to 10 January.
Architecture and Art are back as a theme in aquabitArt gallery in December
Peter Vink will rebuild his site-specific installation "Aquabit", exclusively interacting with the space of the gallery. He uses multiple "frames of light" which dimensions correspond with the height and breadth of the entrance to the gallery backspace. The light installation was on show in April this year and got positve reviews during the Berlin Gallery Weekend.
The circle of life we experience has a beginning and an end, but it is infinite in its repetition.
We all have our path in life, which is built by frames of moments and experiences.
It is our decision to step out and see the whole infinite line from a different perspective.
And it is our decision to step back into the path again, with new insights.
Aquabit Gallery
Auguststr. 35, 10119 Berlin
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